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(sections 8 and 14)

Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics


Article 1: Legality
Advertisements shall conform to law and shall conform to the laws of this country
as well as the Oath of Advertising Practice.

Article 2: Decency
An advertisement shall not use visual illustrations or words or sounds that offend
public decency. Advertisements shall not be obscene or offensive.

Article 3: Honesty
An advertisement shall be framed so as not to abuse the trust of consumers or
exploit their lack of experience. Relevant factors likely to affect the decisions of
consumers shall be communicated in such a way and at such times that consumers can take them into account.

Article 4: Sexuality
An advertisement shall not exploit, depict or suggest sexual behavior either in
obvious or implied context.

Article 5: Gender discrimination
No gender shall be depicted as subservient, superior or inferior to the other, or as
an object to satisfy the sexual pleasure of the other

Article 6: Superstition
An advertisement shall not promote or exploit superstitions or negative myths even if the superstitions or myths reflect an aspect of culture, philosophy, or world view

Article 7: Appeals to fear and distress
An advertisement shall not play on or exploit fear or distress in an attempt to
induce patronage.

Article 8: Children
Special care shall be taken in advertisements directed to or featuring children.
These advertisements shall not undermine positive social behaviour, lifestyle and
Products suitable for children shall be advertised in media targeted at them.
Advertisements directed at children shall not be inserted in the media where the
editorial matter is unsuitable for them. Materials unsuitable for children shall be
clearly identified as being unsuitable for them.