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The Journey of Branding: What binds Consumers?

Studies shows that Branding evolved from ancient times. History has also disclosed that branding probably began with the practice of branding livestock in order to deter theft. Images of branding oxen and cattle have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, dating to around 2,700 BCE. One of the first companies to establish today’s marketing and brand building through rigorous go-to-market plans and communication strategies was arguably Procter & Gamble.

Today, good and perfect branding can’t be compromised in this age of revolutionized digital landscape. With the fast growth and expansion of technology, the competition of many advertisers is getting the most reliable and secured means of getting the grips with the digital landscape in order to successfully retain their edge in a competitive climate. Marketing

According to the 2017 ‘State of Branding survey report, by OnBrand, the reality of the top three marketing challenges for some respondents were “proving the ROI of our marketing activities”, “collaborating between departments/offices” and “adapting to changing consumer behaviors”.

In the report, customer acquisition is the top priority for marketers in 2017. While brand awareness is still an ongoing objective, more marketers are seeing the need to invest in their customer experience to acquire and retain customers.

Although Brand marketing is an important component for every organizational growth, the report further disclosed that there has been a shift on attention and priority given to brands in the technology Era. Marketers and creative experts are currently focusing more on Customer acquisition as the top priority. While brand awareness is still an ongoing objective, more marketers are seeing the need to invest in their customer experience to acquire and retain customers. This clearly explains that there is a struggle between Brands and Consumers.

Brands experts are ready to critical examine the evolution of brands and consumers to better explain whether there is the need to reinvent or it is total dead. Co-Hosting the 2nd Africa Rising Conference with the International Advertising Association, Advertising Association of Ghana has opened its registration lines for interested companies, individuals, stakeholders and practitioner to come together to share knowledge and experience on the topic: Evolution of Brands and Consumers: Reinvent or die?

The two- day event is slated for 28th and 29th May 2018 at the Kempinski Hotel in a Ghana. For registration, visit

By Admin.

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