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AAG Executive Council Pays Courtesy on Graphic MD

The Executive Council of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG) has paid a working visit to the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL).

The meeting which was to dialogue and deliberate on how to strengthen the partnership between the two bodies was also used to welcome the new managing director of GCGL, Mr Ato Afful who assumed office a little over a month ago.

Speaking at the meeting, the President of the AAG, Mr Torgbor Mensah, said the advertising industry had grown big and it had come to stay, hence the need to forge stronger collaboration with key stakeholders like the GCGL to work towards a common goal.

He revealed that the aim of the AAG was to make Accra the headquarters of advertising in Africa and called for support to push that agenda for the mutual benefit of the two groups. 

While eulogizing Mr Afful for his past managerial experiences in the adverts industry, Mr Mensah said he was hopeful that Mr Afful would bring his managerial skills and experiences to bear on running the GCGL to achieve excellence in the industry.

Welcoming the delegation, Mr Ato Afful said advertising was strategic to the business of the GCGL, adding that “you have been with us for years and the success of this company has been with your support over the decades”.

He, therefore, urged the AAG to support and make inputs into the company’s business concept and development agenda to enable the GCGL to build better and relevant content for its ever-growing audience.

Mr Afful also hinted that the GCGL is undergoing a digital transformation for it to remain relevant and help shape the transformational agenda of the national economy. He said although the traditional print publications of the company would continue to be stronger and better, the management was now focusing on the digital media to meet current demands. 

He said the GCGL was committed to delivering a business that would enable partners and clients to connect and engage easily, as well as deliver compelling messages and content to suit the audience.

For her part, a past President of the AAG, Mrs Norkor Duah, commended the GCGL for its successes over the years, saying: “The GCGL has come a long way and it has excelled. It is way ahead of the game and I encourage you to do more.”

She called for advocacy by the AAG and the GCGL to address issues regarding the regulation of some advertisements by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA). 

She also used the opportunity to announce the third Africa Leadership Conference, dubbed: “Africa Rising”, which will be organized by the International Advertising Association (IAA) in Accra in May this year.

While assuring advertisers of improved services this year, the Director of Marketing of the GCGL, Mr Franklin Sowa, urged the executive of the association to impress on their members to update their records with the company as it explored new avenues and systems to operate.

As part of its digital transformation agenda, he announced that the GCGL would soon roll out an online television outlet with impressive content that would enhance the lives of Ghanaians.

Mr Sowa, however, expressed concern over late cancellation of advert orders, saying it disrupted the company’s production and told the advertisers that future cancellation of advert orders at late hours would attract a surcharge of 25 per cent.

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