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Accra, August 7, 2019 – Executives of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG), led by its President, Mr. Torgbor Mensah, paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Information, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, at his office in Accra.

The meeting, which was convened at the request of the AAG, discussed issues that are critical to the marketing communications industry in Ghana and the way forward in overcoming the challenges in the industry. The issues discussed at the meeting included the status of the Advertising Bill, by-laws and regulations guiding the citing and installation of billboards and out of home advertising and possible areas of collaboration between the AAG and the Ministry.

Speaking at the meeting Mr. Torgbor Mensah said:

“The issues raised are very pertinent to the development of the industry and the country as a whole. We have engaged Parliament since 2016 over the Advertising Bill, but as we speak we do not know the status of the bill. We are also concerned about the unrestrained manner in which Assemblies give permit for the installation of billboards and the uncontrolled way the Ghana Highway Authority has been pulling down billboard without consulting the AAG. It is for these and the other issues we have raised that we have come to seek your support”.

Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah in responding to the concerns assured the Executives of the AAG that his outfit will work to ensure that together they overcome the challenges facing the industry. According to the Minister, “The Ministry has initiated an engagement process with professional associations such as the AAG to resolve a lot of these issues and identify possible areas of partnership and collaboration. Due to this the Ministry will appoint a liaison officer who will ensure that the Ministry is constantly involved and engaged in the work of the AAG”.

The Executive Council Members of the AAG present at the meeting included Mr. Francis Dadzie, Mr. Orlando Baeta, Mrs. Norko Dua and Mr. Clarence Amoatey. Also present was Mrs Mamle Andrews, Chief Director of the Ministry of Information.

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